Saturday, June 20, 2015

Emily Fields' Epilogue

I was thinking... wouldn't it be cool if after the final Pretty Little Liars episode airs, they have a short epilogue of what happens to the liars after the whole A/Charles thing is completely over? I don't really know how long it would be; maybe something like the Harry Potter epilogue? Showing the girls, Mona and Alison two years later. I haven't thought about Spencer's, Mona's, Hanna's, Aria's or Alison's epilogues yet, but I have thought of Emily's. Picture this: two years after A/Charles is dead, (I prefer A to be dead that way the girls won't have to deal with him anymore) the girls all split up and go off and do their own things. Emily is shown in a different city/state, which some of us might recognize if we pay close attention. We see her walking up to this house and knocking on the door... a couple seconds later, we see from a side view, a brown haired girl answer the door. Emily looks up at the girl, smiles and says in a sweet voice... "Paige." She then takes Paige's hand and they both walk into house. The door then closes and the camera fades to black, ending Emily's touching and satisfying epilogue. I think this is a very, very good ending for Emily. She's with her true love in a different city/state, away from Rosewood, and she's happy. And I'm sure the Paily fans would love this ending. Emily and Paige are together! Emily flew across the country to be with her! Who knows, they might even live together! I really like this idea because it doesn't give us too much of what happened, but it gives us just enough. Like a short but sweet kind of thing. I'm sure I'm not only one who wants this to happen. 

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Pretty Little Liars rant #1
Emily's messed up love life + Sara Harvey and Emily

Why is Emily's love life so annoyingly messed up? Why is she the only one who doesn't have a stable relationship? There's Spencer who has Toby, Hanna who has Caleb, and Aria who has Ezra. And then there's Emily who always gets the bad end of the relationship stick. Every relationship she's been in so far either didn't work out, death occurred, sudden move, temporary arrangement, etc. And out of all of the people she's been with, only one of them as been actually capable of being a stable girlfriend for Emily. And that person is Paige. Emily spent the most time with Paige, shared the most with her, and developed a close relationship with her. Emily was really happy when she was with Paige. Paige was perfect for Emily. So I don't see why they would just get rid of her like that? Do they not want Emily to be happy? Do they want to destroy all that character development she gained from being with Paige? Spencer, Hanna, and Aria had emotional issues with their significant others, but in the end they're all still together. But with Emily, something happens and then it's like, oh... on to the next girl! I don't get why they can't just let Emily be single for a little while. Stop giving her all of these random, temporary girls and just let her be by herself for once.  I rather have her be single for a while, than for her to be constantly crushed. Is it against the law to have a Pretty Little Liars character be single or something? Talking about the recent episode, the thing with Emily and Sara... I don't mind her taking care of Sara for a little while, but what I don't like is the fact that they give Emily and Emily only, that burden of taking care of her. Emily just happens to talk to Sara first, Sara just happens to visit Emily's house, Emily just happens to be the one to take care of Sara. It all seems very forced. Why couldn't it be Hanna, Aria, or Spencer who takes care of her? Or even Mona? Mona and Sara both been in the Dollhouse longer than the girls, so that will give them a chance to talk about what happened and perhaps bond and become closer? Who knows? Just because Emily is the sympathetic one of the group doesn't mean she's capable of taking care of her. Besides, Emily needs to take care of herself. She barely had time to cope after her Dollhouse experience. And Sara needs to talk to a therapist or a doctor. Perhaps Dr. Sullivan can take her in? That would be way better than one of the girls watching over her. And that "hug" that Emily gave Sara when they found out she was alive, was completely unnecessary. She can be glad that she's alive, but you only knew her for about two days and you're already hugging her like you knew her for two years. A hug like that is something Emily needs to save for Paige when she comes back. An intimate, heartwarming hug for someone she truly cares about. And what do we really know about Sara? How can we just trust her that easily? How can Emily just trust her that easily? 

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Fosters
Season 3, episode 2
"Father's Day"
episode review

So Callie and Jude are arguing about their biological dads, and who they should spend time with on Father's Day. Callie's defending Robert and Jude's defending Donald. If you ask me, I'm more of a Donald fan. Sure he did some bad things, but he's really trying to turn his life around and be apart of Jude and Callie's lives. And plus he raised them and cared for them as long as he could. Robert on the other hand, annoyed me since he was introduced. And the way he tried to get Callie to live with him was uncalled for. 

Kat is still belittling Brandon, which is making my prediction about them being together even stronger. (Keep it up you two, you're doing great) She is definitely toying with him. Like a playful crush or something. Brandon... don't fight it, just embrace it.

Sophia is back and seems to be doing alright. Her and Callie are getting closer and acting like actual sisters. But in my opinion, Callie and Mariana are the best sister duo. (well, we'll see how this sex with Wyatt thing goes) 

AJ aka the jerk who got Callie fired, calls her and says that he needs her help. Of course..... (I DON'T HEAR AN APOLOGY, AJ! I DO NOT HEAR AN APOLOGY!) But, Callie being the good person that she is, decides to help him.

Incoming awkward Father's Day dinner! The whole scene with Stef, Lena, Mike, Donald (Jude's dad), and Jerkface (Connor's dad) just screamed awkward. I really can't stand Connor's dad. He always has that judgmental, hateful, dicky, jerk look on his face. Why was he invited anyway? He's never satisfied about anything! As for Donald, he's amazing just like Jude. He deserves a Father's Day award for the things he said in this episode.

And apparently, Mike is going to take in AJ. But until Mike is able to take in a foster kid, he's going to be staying with Stef and Lena. Looks like I was right. I did say that he was going to become Jesus' replacement, which he "technically" is by staying with them. Me no likey and I'm sensing even more awkward tension in the Adams-Fosters household. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Pretty Little Liars
Season 6, episode 2
"Songs of Innocence"
episode review

I thought this was a really good episode. The girls deal with the aftermath of their Dollhouse experience. And they all have different ways of dealing with it. 

I find it funny how the girls think Andrew is Charles and they really have no solid proof that he is. Sure the guy is sketchy and weird, but that doesn't mean he's capable of doing what Charles did. I don't think he has the guts to do something like that. Watch Andrew ends up being killed by Charles and the girls have to rethink their accusations. 

And where was Mona?! I'm a little disappointed that she wasn't in this episode. They could of have her talk with her mother about her experience in the Dollhouse! Hello! Her mother thought she was dead! They could of at least have a sweet mother daughter scene. Come on now! 

So, we kinda see what torture the girls had to endure while they were in the Dollhouse... and I'll just say that it's "shocking". And the way Hanna's acting; I think she was affected the most. Poor Hanna...

I literally squealed when Pam and Emily mentioned Paige. It turns out Paige wanted to come back to Rosewood, but Emily wanted her to stay in California because it's not safe in Rosewood and she doesn't want to get her involved in this. I really wish Paige would of came back regardless of what Emily told her. Even if Rosewood was dangerous at the moment, Paige would still come back and say to Emily: "I don't care if it's dangerous to be here, I want to be here, with you. We can suffer through the dangers together."

Also, Emily shooting a gun... all of the yes. Maybe they all should try that. Give all four a gun and bye, bye Charles. Or better yet, give them all a gun, teach them self defense or extreme martial arts, and bye, bye Charles. 

Emily is getting awfully close to this Sara girl... I'm not a fan. What I suggest she do is keep her distance. She can still help her out, but I don't want her to get "too" close. Wouldn't want her to develop feelings for the girl. As for Alison and this new cop, Lorenzo... they need to get closer. A lot closer....

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

I'm just... tired

Not physically tired, just emotionally. A lot of things make me emotionally tired, but this one thing has been bothering me lately. 

I feel like I care too much about people who don't care about me. Or that they care about me, but don't want anything to do with me because I'm too boring or something. I just tired of pouring my heart out to these guys and just watching it get stepped on. It doesn't make me happy, and it doesn't feel like a two way friendship. It feels like a one way friendship. I can tell my friends that they're amazing, beautiful, congratulations, good job, way to go, I love you, give shout outs to them, etc. But when I need something like that said to me... I get nothing. It's like I give, they take, but don't give back. And even if they do give back, it's on rare occasions. Like it's never constant. 

I know I'm shy and I don't say much, but that doesn't mean I can't be a good friend. Just because I don't Skype doesn't mean you can't talk to me. I'm not comfortable with Skype calling. Maybe one day I will be, but until that day, you can still talk to me. Friendship is not all about Skype calling.

Here's an example of what I'm feeling: My friends put up this questionnaire on Twitter that basically say "Every favorite this gets, I'll answer a question" So I favorite theirs so I can get to know them more. But when I post the questionnaire, I get no favorites. When I do get favorites, it's only like one or two, three tops. It's like no one wants to get to know me as much as I want to get to know them.

I feel like I can't ever be in a close relationship with anyone due to the fact that I'm shy, not comfortable with Skype calls, not being able to play a game with someone, talk about a game with someone, joke around, etc.

Maybe I should find another group of friends? Maybe a group I can relate to and fit in with? Because the group I'm "sort of" in now... I don't feel like I fit in with them at all anymore. And it's not their fault. They're all close and good friends to each other. It's me that's the problem.  

I may be acting overemotional about this, but it's how I feel. And I'm not going to apologize for my feelings; no one should. 

Monday, June 8, 2015

The Fosters
Season 3, episode 1
Episode review

Oh thank God no one died! The first scene was Stef having a dream about the car accident, where Jesus actually dies. But... it was just a dream. (I hate when they do things like that. I thought that dream was real!)

It turns out Jesus went to boarding school. (just as I predicted) I knew they wouldn't kill off a main character. I thought Ana would be the one who died, but I'm glad she didn't. She just was slightly injured and has to wear a brace around her chest and back. The thing I'm wondering is, we did hear them say "one fatality" on Stef's police radio. So who was that "one fatality"? Obviously it wasn't the driver that hit them, since it was a hit and run. Also, Stef is trying to find out who did it. 

As for this new guy, AJ... I DON'T TRUST HIM.... AND I HATE HIM NOW... that may change, but I don't know. He didn't exactly make a good first impression. I do however think he's going to be Jesus' replacement. (unfortunately...) I have a feeling he's going to be living with the Fosters. (eww) And perhaps be a love interest for Callie??? (please no) Unless this guy really changes, I don't see that happening.

Brandon is attending this music school where he meets a girl named Kat who is apparently very gifted, talented, passionate, and full of herself. She thinks that Brandon is a "Beginner", who's music sounds like it's written for six year olds. So she basically thinks that he's an amateur. But you know what I smell? ...I smell a love interest.

Jude and Conner are being amazing as always. Jude has a issue with the whole being "label" thing with him and Conner being an item. He just wants to be Jude and just Jude. Which he should be. 

And Mariana having sex for the first time with Wyatt?! Ohhh, boy... I'm sensing some major conflict between her and Callie. ...If and when she tells her. 

Anyway, that's the end of this review. I'm really excited for this season. It's going to be weird not seeing Jesus there anymore, but I'll get used to it. Besides, maybe he'll come to visit for just one episode? Here's hoping. 


Friday, June 5, 2015

My opinion on the Tangled animated series

So everyone pretty much knows/watched the Disney animated film, Tangled. The movie about a young, adventurous princess named Rapunzel, who yearns to see the world that she's never got to experience. Along the way, she meets a bunch of very colorful characters.

Anyway, on Wednesday, I heard on Twitter that Disney is working on a new animated series based on the film Tangled. The series is apparently going to be on The Disney Channel in 2017. 
The series takes place after the events of the movie and its short film, "Tangled Ever After". And it's suppose to be about Rapunzel wanting to learn more about the world before she truly accepts her role as Princess of her Kingdom. Accompanying Rapunzel on her epic worldly adventures, will be Eugene/Flynn Rider, Pascal, Maximus, the rough thugs from the pub, and a new character named Cassandra; a tough handmaiden. (interesting...)

Now for my opinion... I think this is an amazing idea! I love that they're making a series based on one of my favorite Disney films! And the plot is excellent. I'm really curious about these adventures. I wonder what kind of dangers they'll run into? Is there going to be a new villain? New enemies? As for the characters, it's great to see them all together again. With Eugene/Flynn as the sarcastic, wisecracking punching bag, Pascal and Maximus as the awesome comedic duo, Rapunzel as the optimistic, high-spirited, adventurer, and the thugs from the pub... need I say more? Things are definitely bound to get hilariously crazy with this unique bunch. And what about this new girl, Cassandra? How will her toughness effect the group? Will one of the thugs develop a crush on her? Or will Eugene be her favorite punching bag? ...I say both. 

I can really see this show becoming popular. A lot of people loved Tangled, and a lot of them would love to see it as animated series. I just hope they do it justice. It would be a shame if it got cancelled. But honestly, it's Disney Channel; and it's very rarely that Disney Channel would cancel one of its shows. Especially a show that's based on a popular Disney film.