Thursday, June 18, 2015

Pretty Little Liars rant #1
Emily's messed up love life + Sara Harvey and Emily

Why is Emily's love life so annoyingly messed up? Why is she the only one who doesn't have a stable relationship? There's Spencer who has Toby, Hanna who has Caleb, and Aria who has Ezra. And then there's Emily who always gets the bad end of the relationship stick. Every relationship she's been in so far either didn't work out, death occurred, sudden move, temporary arrangement, etc. And out of all of the people she's been with, only one of them as been actually capable of being a stable girlfriend for Emily. And that person is Paige. Emily spent the most time with Paige, shared the most with her, and developed a close relationship with her. Emily was really happy when she was with Paige. Paige was perfect for Emily. So I don't see why they would just get rid of her like that? Do they not want Emily to be happy? Do they want to destroy all that character development she gained from being with Paige? Spencer, Hanna, and Aria had emotional issues with their significant others, but in the end they're all still together. But with Emily, something happens and then it's like, oh... on to the next girl! I don't get why they can't just let Emily be single for a little while. Stop giving her all of these random, temporary girls and just let her be by herself for once.  I rather have her be single for a while, than for her to be constantly crushed. Is it against the law to have a Pretty Little Liars character be single or something? Talking about the recent episode, the thing with Emily and Sara... I don't mind her taking care of Sara for a little while, but what I don't like is the fact that they give Emily and Emily only, that burden of taking care of her. Emily just happens to talk to Sara first, Sara just happens to visit Emily's house, Emily just happens to be the one to take care of Sara. It all seems very forced. Why couldn't it be Hanna, Aria, or Spencer who takes care of her? Or even Mona? Mona and Sara both been in the Dollhouse longer than the girls, so that will give them a chance to talk about what happened and perhaps bond and become closer? Who knows? Just because Emily is the sympathetic one of the group doesn't mean she's capable of taking care of her. Besides, Emily needs to take care of herself. She barely had time to cope after her Dollhouse experience. And Sara needs to talk to a therapist or a doctor. Perhaps Dr. Sullivan can take her in? That would be way better than one of the girls watching over her. And that "hug" that Emily gave Sara when they found out she was alive, was completely unnecessary. She can be glad that she's alive, but you only knew her for about two days and you're already hugging her like you knew her for two years. A hug like that is something Emily needs to save for Paige when she comes back. An intimate, heartwarming hug for someone she truly cares about. And what do we really know about Sara? How can we just trust her that easily? How can Emily just trust her that easily? 

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